Giới thiệu 5 cuốn sách tiếng Anh hay về dịch thuật
Trong chuyên mục “Sách hay hàng tuần” kỳ này, Bộ phận Học liêu thuộc Trung tâm CNTT-TT&HL trân trọng giới thiệu tới bạn đọc 05 cuốn sách tiếng Anh về dịch thuật. Đây là nguồn tư liệu tham khảo, tài liệu học tập và giảng dạy hữu ích cho các thầy cô, sinh viên.
Bạn đọc quan tâm có thể đến Bộ phận Học liệu ( Tầng 2 – nhà C3, CT Khoa Pháp) để được phục vụ. Dưới đây là một số thông tin vế 05 cuốn sách này:
1. Agents of Translation

Tác giả: John Milton, Paul Fadio Bandia
Nhà xuất bản: John Benjamins Publishing
Năm xuất bản: 2009
ISBN: 9789027216908
Đăng kí cá biệt : E.08199
Phân loại : 418/.02
Agents of Translation contains thirteen case studies by internationally recognized scholars in which translation has been used as a way of influencing the target culture and furthering literary, political and personal interests.
Table of Contents
2. Corpus Use and Translating: Corpus use for learning to translate and learning corpus use to translate
Tác giả : Allison Beeby, Patricia Rodríguez Inés, Pilar Sánchez-Gijón
Nhà xuất bản: John Benjamins Publishing
Năm xuất bản: 2009
ISBN: 9789027224262
Đăng ký cá biệt: E.08314
Phân loại : 440
Professional translators are increasingly dependent on electronic resources, and trainee translators need to develop skills that allow them to make the best use of these resources. The aim of this book is to show how CULT (Corpus Use for Learning to Translate) methodologies can be used to prepare learning materials, and how novice translators can become autonomous users of corpora. Readers interested in translation studies, translator training and corpus linguistics will find the book particularly useful. Not only does it include practical, technical advice for using and learning to use corpora, but it also addresses important issues such as the balance between training and education and how CULT methodologies reinforce student autonomy and responsibility. Not only is this a good introduction to CULT, but it also incorporates the latest developments in this field, showing the advantages of using these methodologies in competence-based learning.
Table of Contents
- Efforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research:A tribute to Daniel Gile
Tác giả : Gyde Hansen, Andrew Chesterman, Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast
Nhà xuất bản: John Benjamins Publishing
Năm xuất bản: 2009
ISBN: 9789027216892
Đăng kí cá biệt: E.08361
Phân loại : 418/.02
This volume covers a wide range of topics in Interpreting and Translation Research. Some deal with scientometrics and the history of Interpreting Studies, arguments about conceptual analysis, meta-language and interpreters risk-taking strategies. Other papers are on research skills like career management, writing communicative abstracts and the practicalities of survey research. Several contributions address empirical issues such as expertise in Simultaneous Interpreting, the cognitive load imposed on interpreters by a non-native accent, the impact of intonation on interpreting quality, linguistic interference in Simultaneous Interpreting, similarities between translation and interpreting, and the relation between translation competence and revision competence.
The collection is a tribute to Daniel Gile, in appreciation of his creativity and his commitment to interpreting and translation research. All the contributions in some way show his influence or are related to the models and research he has shaped.
Table of Contents
4. Self-preservation in Simultaneous Interpreting: Surviving the Role
Tác giả : Claudia Monacelli
Nhà xuất bản: John Benjamins Publishing
Năm xuất bản: 2009
ISBN: 9789027224286
Đăng kí cá biệt: E.08823
Phân loại : 418/.02
The image of the tightrope walker illustrates the interpreter’s balancing act. Compelled to move forward at a pace set by someone else, interpreters compensate for pressures and surges that might push them into the void. The author starts from the observa.
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgements | ix |
Preface | xi – xiii |
Abbreviations | xv |
List of tables | xvii |
List of figures | xix |
Transcription key | xxi |
Chapter 1. Introduction | 1 – 8 |
Chapter 2. Interpreting as a system | 9 – 27 |
Chapter 3. Methodology and corpus | 29 – 40 |
Chapter 4. From system dynamics onward | 41 – 60 |
Chapter 5. Simultaneous interpreting as communicative interaction | 61 – 85 |
Chapter 6. Participation framework and interactional politeness in corpus | 87 – 131 |
Chapter 7. Discussion | 133 – 154 |
Chapter 8. Conclusions | 155 – 164 |
Reference | 165 – 173 |
Appendix: Glossary of terms | 175 – 178 |
Index | 179 – 182 |
5. The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation
Tác giả : Jorge Díaz Cintas
Nhà xuất bản: John Benjamins Publishing
Năm xuất bản: 2008
ISBN: 9789027216861
Đăng kí cá biệt : E.08924
Phân loại : 418/.02
While complementing other volumes in the BTL series in its exploration of the state of the art of translator training, this collection of essays is solely focused on audiovisual translation, one of the most complex and dynamic areas of the translation discipline. The book offers an easily accessible yet comprehensive introduction to the fascinating subject of translating films, video games and other audiovisual material. Offering a balance between theory and practice, the main aim of this volume is to provide a wealth of teaching and learning ideas in areas such as subtitling, dubbing, and voice-over without forgetting the newer fields of subtitling for the deaf and audio description for the blind. The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation comes with an accompanying CD-Rom, highlighting its fundamentally interactive approach, and the activities proposed can be adapted to different learning environments and used with different language combinations.